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Dynamit Nobel Defence
Dynamit Nobel Defence ist seit dem Jahr 2004 eine eigenständige GmbH, die aus der Dynamit Nobel AG hervorgegangen ist. Unser Standort in Burbach-Würgendorf gehörte bereits Anfang des letzten Jahrhunderts zur Alfred-Nobel-Gruppe, und hier wurde auch das von Nobel erfundene Dynamit gefertigt. Die wehrtechnischen Aktivitäten des Konzerns wurden zu Beginn der 2000er Jahre hier konzentriert, und von hier aus liefern wir heute unsere Produkte an Ministerien und Regierungen weltweit. Natürlich unterliegen alle unsere Geschäftsbeziehungen den strengen Ausfuhrregelungen unserer Bundesregierung. In Fortsetzung der langen Tradition unseres Ursprungskonzerns sind wir stolz darauf, seit 50 Jahren Lieferant der Bundeswehr zu sein und deutsche Soldaten auszurüsten.
Kärcher Futuretech
Protection and supply systems for disaster and crisis zones
Kärcher Futuretech GmbH – abbreviated to KFT – based in Schwaikheim near Stuttgart is an internationally acknowledged specialist and the market leader in many aspects of protection and supply systems for mobile use in disaster and crisis zones. The company was spun off as an independent subsidiary of Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG in 2005.
Using products and system solutions from KFT, civil defence, disaster relief and military forces are able to supply large numbers of individuals with clean water and food, set up field camps or carry out CBRN decontamination. With its mobile, compact and modular solutions, KFT is a highly capable partner in the field of peace-keeping operations and disaster relief. Rounding off the company’s core areas of competence are highly competent advisory services for dealing with every kind of incident, worldwide servicing and a qualified training system.
The company’s administrative headquarters, test department, prototype building and small-series production are all based in Schwaikheim. KFT operates its series production at the Kärcher site in Obersontheim.

Heckler & Koch
Heckler & Koch ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Handfeuerwaffen mit festen Wurzeln am Standort Deutschland. Seit mehr als 60 Jahren ist das Unternehmen ein zuverlässiger Partner für Sicherheitskräfte, Polizei und Sondereinsatzkräfte der Bundeswehr, der NATO und NATO-assoziierter Staaten.
Heckler & Koch steht für höchste Qualität und innovative Produkte. Darüber hinaus ist Heckler & Koch der einzige Handfeuerwaffen-Anbieter mit einem umfassenden Produktportfolio: Das Sortiment umfasst Pistolen, Maschinenpistolen, Sturmgewehre, Präzisionsgewehre, Maschinengewehre, Trainingssysteme sowie 40 mm-Systeme. Dabei sind die einzelnen Waffengattungen als Produktfamilie konzipiert. So bietet Heckler & Koch eine variable Modellpalette, die auf die verschiedensten Einsatzbedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Die Vorteile einer Produktfamilie reichen von einem geringeren Unfallrisiko durch Vermeidung von Bedienfehlern über austauschbare Teile bis hin zu verkürzten Trainings- und Ausbildungszeiten der Schützen.

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
Rafael develops and manufactures advanced defense systems for the Israeli Defense Forces and the defense establishment, as well as for foreign customers around the world. The company offers its customers a diversified array of innovative solutions at the leading edge of global technology, from underwater systems through naval, ground, and air superiority systems to space systems.
Rafael is the largest employer in Northern Israel with approximately 7,000 employees and numerous subcontractor and service suppliers.
Telefunken Racoms
Since 2004 the company TELEFUNKEN RACOMS is known on the market under this company name but the roots of the company go back to the beginning of the former century. During this period new knowledge and know-how had been aquired. One of the companys authenticity was the principle of continuous development. Both, in past and today highly performed applications for Security and Defense could only be developed under a stable mutual trust. TELEFUNKEN RACOMS maintains enduring relationships with customers and has always the ambition to respond individually to their requirements. Quality and comprehensiveness: One of the oldest values of our company is our uncompromising quality. With the combination of experience and responsibility, we have developed a long-proven product portfolio. These systems are constantly optimize in cooperation with our customers and therefore they maintain to the requirement throughout their lif. TELEFUNKEN RACOMS offers turnkey systems, which means for you: in time, within budget and of high quality. TELEFUNKEN RACOMS supports you throughout the whole product lifecycle.

German Army Conceptes and Capabilities Development Center
Am 27. Juni 2013 wurde das Amt für Heeresentwicklung offiziell in Dienst gestellt und gehört somit zu den jüngsten Dienststellen des Deutschen Heeres. Nach den Vorgaben des Kommandos Heer zeichnet es für die Weiterentwicklung von Konzeption, Ausbildung, Organisation und Materialplanung des Heeres verantwortlich. Viele Aufgaben des im Zuge der Neuausrichtung des Heeres aufgelösten Heeresamtes wurden in das Amt für Heeresentwicklung in angepasster Form überführt. Gleichwohl ist das Amt für Heeresentwicklung ein komplett neues Amt und steht damit nicht in der direkten Nachfolge des 57 Jahre in Köln beheimateten Heeresamtes. Lediglich das Motto des Heeresamtes „Die Zukunft im Visier“ wurde eins zu eins durch das Amt für Heeresentwicklung übernommen, weil es für dieses in ganz besonderem Maße zutrifft. Denn hier werden alle konzeptionellen Grundlagenarbeiten für die Weiterentwicklung der Fähigkeiten des Heeres in den Bereichen Konzepte, Ausbildung, Organisation/Struktur und materielle Ausstattung in einer Hand zusammengeführt. Ursprünglich weit verzweigte Verantwortlichkeiten werden damit künftig im Amt für Heeresentwicklung gebündelt. Ein Novum im Deutschen Heer ist auch, dass im Amt truppengattungsspezifische Aspekte mit der heeresübergreifenden Sicht in einer Matrixorganisation verwoben sind. Zur Wahrnehmung seiner vielfältigen Aufgaben besteht das Amt für Heeresentwicklung aus den vier Abteilungen Grundlagen/Querschnitt, Weiterentwicklung Kampf, Weiterentwicklung Aufklärung/Unterstützung sowie Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED).
In der Zielstruktur werden im Amt für Heeresentwicklung 679 Soldatinnen und Soldaten sowie 41 zivile Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter für die Zukunft des Heeres arbeiten. Für alle Angehörigen des Amtes für Heeresentwicklung ist es Anspruch und Verpflichtung zugleich, einen wesentlichen und nicht wegzudenkenden Beitrag für die Einsatzfähigkeit des Deutschen Heeres zu leisten. Denn die Zukunft des Deutschen Heeres ist der Maßstab, an dem alle Überlegungen zur Entwicklung der Strukturen des Heeres auszurichten sind.

Diehl Defence
Diehl Defence is a corporate division of the Nürnberg-based Diehl Group, concentrating all business activities in the fields of defence and security as a holding company.
As a competent partner of international armed forces, Diehl Defence is in overall charge of and coordinates the activities of numerous subsidiaries, program and affiliated companies.
The product portfolio ranges from highly accurate guided missiles for armies, air forces and navies, intelligent ammunition solutions to innovative reconnaissance and protection systems. In the fields of equipment, repair and modernization of military vehicles, Diehl Defence is also among the leading global suppliers.

EAFT Emder Anlagen- und Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH is the specialist for service, repairs, maintenance and conversion of vehicles, setup kits, aggregates and components, as well as the manufacture of tank trucks. Since 1960 we have offered a wide range of high-quality services in the areas of vehicle maintenance, body work, electric/electronic systems, hydraulics and pneumatics.

Esri Deutschland
As a distributor and systems house, Esri Deutschland GmbH, member of the Esri Deutschland Group GmbH, based in Kranzberg near Munich, sells the products of Esri Inc. on an exclusive basis at eleven locations in Germany and Switzerland. Esri provides support to users with a wide range of training, support and consultancy backed by combined experience and expertise of over 500 employees in the Esri Group.

General Dynamics European Land Systems
General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) is a business unit of General Dynamics Corporation and conducts its business through European operating sites located in Spain, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
With more than 2,150 highly skilled technical employees, GDELS companies design, manufacture and deliver wheeled, tracked, and amphibious vehicles and other combat systems such as armaments and munitions to global customers.
The Group is the combination of four entities: GDELS - Germany, GDELS - Mowag, GDELS-Santa Bárbara Sistemas and GDELS-Steyr that were unified as a single business unit under one European parent company in 2003.
As one of the European leaders in the land combat systems sector, GDELS has focused itself on four specific divisions with the aim of producing greater synergies and coordination between its 10 plants.
The four divisions are Tracked Vehicles, Wheeled Vehicles, Bridges, and Artillery & Ammunition, plus a network of R&D centers, and logistic and customer relations activities.
Geosecure is a German professional service company focusing on adapting Esri’s ArcGIS suite and giving answers regarding all matters of spatial and geospatial analysis. This includes cyber related issues as well as intelligence analysis (GEOINT).

We are a closely networked business group and offer integrated, future-oriented solutions in the sectors Automotive • InfoCom • Mobility, Energy & Environment • Aeronautics • Space • Defence & Security. We understand the requirements of our customers and support them independently and competently. We implement effectively, efficiently and with target orientation. We operate reliably and sustainably. Our international market presence and our success are based on technological excellence and a fair relationship to our customers and business partners.

MBDA, a world leader in missiles and missile systems, is a multi-national group with 10,000 employees working across France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Spain and the United States. It has three major aeronautical and defence shareholders - Airbus Group (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%) and Finmeccanica (25%) - and is the first truly integrated European defence company. In 2013, the Group recorded a turnover of 2.8 billion euros, produced about 3,000 missiles and added 4 billion euros of new orders to the order book which now stands at 10.8 billion euros. MBDA works with over 90 armed forces worldwide.
Microflown AVISA
Microflown AVISA’s mission is to provide complete 3D acoustic situational awareness for all kinds of (audible) threats from all kinds of platforms under all circumstances.
Enabled by its proprietary acoustic particle velocity sensors called Microflown, a broad banded Acoustic Vector Sensor (AVS) is capable of detecting, localizing and tracking simultaneously all sorts of sound sources. This rangesfrom high frequency shockwaves from Small Arms Fire down to the low frequency signatures of Rockets, Artillery and Mortars on the one hand and tonal sound sources from helicopters and heavy ground vehicles on the other hand.
As an Acoustic Vector Sensor is low Size, Weight and Power (low SWaP), it can be deployed on all sorts of platforms, ranging from unattended ground sensors, vehicles, helicopters to micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (micro UAVs).

Qioptiq, an Excelitas Technologies Company, designs and manufactures photonic products and solutions that serve a wide range of markets and applications in the areas of medical and life sciences, industrial manufacturing, defense and aerospace, and research and development. Qioptiq benefits from having integrated the knowledge and experience of Avimo, Gsänger, LINOS, Optem, Pilkington, Point Source, Rodenstock, Spindler & Hoyer and others. In October 2013, Qioptiq was acquired by Excelitas Technologies Corp., a global technology leader focused on delivering innovative, customized solutions to meet the lighting, detection and other high-performance technology needs of OEM customers. The combined companies have approximately 5,000 employees in North America, Europe and Asia, serving customers across the world. Visit and for more information.

RE-liON is a global leader in technology for (virtual) simulation systems.
Currently with a sharp focus on two products: Small Unit Immersive Trainer - a training system for dismounted (special) forces - and Builder - an easy to use terrain Database Generation System (DBGS).
roda Mildef
roda computer GmbH with its head office in 77839 Lichtenau / GERMANY was founded in 1987 and was renamed in April 2012. Since the beginning specialised in development, assembly and distribution of mobile PCs, 1995 roda focussed it’s activities on RUGGEDIZED mobile PC systems. CEOs are Martin Bertsch and Siegbert Wortmann.

RUAG has outstanding technological capabilities on the ground, in the air and in space. Today about 8,000 committed and skilled staff at the production locations in Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, France, Austria, Hungary, Australia and the USA are driving forward the technologies of tomorrow.
RUAG acts as a strategic technology partner to a large number of original equipment manufacturers, security organizations and land forces. The Defence division is a leader in maintaining and upgrading heavy weapon systems and also maintains communications systems and both virtual and live simulators. The Ammotec division is a market leader in small-calibre ammunition, pyrotechnic elements and components for the Hunting & Sports and Defence & Law Enforcement business areas as well as the construction industry.
The Aviation division is the centre of excellence for civil and military aircraft maintenance, for upgrade programmes and for developing, manufacturing and integrating aviation systems and subsystems. The Aerostructures division specializes in the development, manufacturing and final assembly of complete fuselage sections for passenger aircraft, wing and control surface components as well as sophisticated component assemblies and parts for civil and military aircraft.
The Space division is a leading supplier of products for the institutional and commercial space markets in Europe and the USA. Outside these two core markets, special-purpose RUAG products also contribute to the success of almost all major space projects. With over 40 years' experience in the development of cutting-edge space technologies, RUAG is a byword for 100% mission success.

Saab constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet changing customer needs. Saab serves the global market of governments, authorities and corporations with products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security

Securiton AG belongs to the Swiss Securitas Group and has been entirely at the service of technical security since its founding in 1948. With its pioneering spirit and far-sighted approach it has since developed into an acknowledged specialist for high-standard security. Many years of partnership-based co-operation with customers, consultants, official bodies and authorities are proof of the confidence in comprehensive know-how and quality. Today Securiton plans, installs and maintains systems for the security industry and defence technology - both in Switzerland and world-wide. As a competent consultant and recognised installer Securiton offers a wide selection of security systems for fire detection, burglary/hold-up alarm systems, personal protection, access control and time recording, video surveillance, property and perimeter protection.

Die tukom GmbH bietet Software Produkte und individuelle Lösungen für die Bereiche Simulation, Missionsmodellierung und -analyse an. Mit STK (Systems Tool Kit) von AGI (Analytical Graphics, Inc.) bieten wir Ihnen die ideale Softwarebasis für den kompletten Missions-Lifecycle in den Bereich Luft-und Raumfahrt, Sicherheit und Verteidigung. Durch unsere Erfahrung in den Bereichen Luft- und Raumfahrt, Aufklärung, Kommunikation, Fernerkundung und Datenhandling entwickeln wir, auf Basis von AGI Technologien, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihren Anwendungsfall.