
The Programme of the Conference will be released as soon as available.

Conference Ratio:

In past decades, urbanization has been a steady process. In today´s world, urban areas are key areas. In most cases, the one who is able to control it will prevail. Maintaining and creating stability and security in urban areas is a challenging task for today´s security forces. The intensity of a mission may vary, sometimes in a matter of few minutes. Scenarios ranging from the routine assistance or show-of-force-approach to full-scale street-fighting can change rapidly, sometimes even at a moment´s notice.

Modern armed forces need to be trained, equipped and prepared for all levels of intensity in urban operations. They have to protect themselves as well as the local population, to control and protect key infrastructure and buildings, and ultimately need the ability to engage opponents. New threats of insur-gency, terrorism and guerilla warfare can only be matched by state-of-the-art intelligence, reconnais-sance and surveillance assets. Lessons Learned of past and current operations are worth to be shared and discussed.

The Conference has the aim to present solutions for the abovementioned challenges. It will offer a platform for the exchange of experience from current missions and will present an overview of the new military concept of the German Army concerning urban operations. Representatives of industry have the chance to present their ideas, concepts and solutions to high ranking NATO and other military representatives.

It is the second conference held in cooperation with the German Association for Defence Technology (DWT) on Urban Operations in the

dbb forum in Berlin from October 20-22, 2014.

The main topics this year will include situational awareness, reconnais-sance, modern effectors and training. The conference is chaired by the German Army Concepts and Capabilities Development Center in Cologne.